Paul Wrigley from Ray White Toronto & Lake Macquarie drives for disadvantaged kids!
Starting and finishing in Newcastle, every day you take as many dirt roads and travel to 2 schools and donate to each school to go towards school programs, transport, much-needed equipment and resources for the students.
“It’s also a great feeling seeing all their faces light up when we roll up with these outrageous cars!”
“Another great highlight was seeing Wendall Sailor teaching kids how to pass a footy, a great experience for the kids.”
“Lighting Ridge Public School we got to donate $6000 for music equipment and one of the local artists donated some artwork which was auctioned off to help raise funds for an excursion to Sydney. These kids have never seen the ocean let alone travelled to Sydney, so that is an incredible opportunity for them.”

This year Paul and his HR Holden visited approx 10 schools and thanks to local companies and generous people were able to donate just over $18,000 to Variety – The Children’s Charity!
“One school in Gunnedah we were able to donate $6000 that went towards new play equipment. Another school we were able to supply Blu Bots and decodable readers for the kids.”
“Gwabegar Public School we were able to donate $5000 worth of iPads too.”
“Money was donated for basketball hoops, sports & music programs and books”
“At Rowena Public School we were able to donate $5000 to some new outdoor speakers and books.”
“The schools are contacted in advance and asked what we can help them with so it really varies what the donations can provide these remote schools, from books to iPads for some schools to sport and music equipment for others, at the end of the day it’s all just about giving kids a fair go and expanding their opportunities. Each school caters and cooks for over 300 people so the schools providing breakfast are up and cooking from 4 am and in some towns, it is -2 degrees. The home-cooked cakes and slices were delicious.”
It’s not just the schools that benefit. Kids across NSW that need the scholarship to pursue a sporting or musical career get help from Variety The Children’s Charity.
More importantly, Variety have donated a commuter bus to one of our local schools as well as a new playground to a local special needs school, so it is great to see money spent in the local area where the donations are coming from. Again a HUGE thank you to the local donations. The money does stay or get donated to local kids and schools in need.

Over the last four years, Paul and local companies have raised more than $60,000 for this charity. Not to toot their horn, but we think that’s an incredible feat!
This year the Variety NSW Bash raised over $1,215,000 which goes to disadvantaged kids around regional NSW!
This amount is a Record for Variety so plenty of help and assistance will be delivered to those in need.
A hugely successful week and a huge difference made to so many kids
Thank you to all those that planned the trip, the volunteers that give up a week of their annual leave to help make the trip a safe one, the schools and parents that cook for us and to everyone that donates to such a worthy charity.

We would like to thank all the business’ who donated:
Real Balance Business consulting
Bentleys Chartered Accountants
Williams Roncolato Lawyers
Carey Bay Auto Electrics
Luxe Interiorz
Concrete Evidence
Pittard Training
Atec Plumbing
Cardiff Rent a Car
East Coast Pest and Building Inspections
Simon Curwood Jewellers
Detector Inspector
Newcastle Pump Supplies
Baldyman Handyman
Shire Steel
Fiona’s Takeaway