Say NO to Alcohol for 31 Days this October and help Aussie Kids!
Paul Wrigley at Ray White Toronto is supporting Team Thurnham Teece. Visit their fundraising page to donate today!
The money raised supports Life Education, the organisation delivering vital health education in schools, supported by its iconic mascot, Healthy Harold. For 35 years, Life Education and its team of educators have been teaching Australian children how to find their own WILL POWER and make safer and healthier choices about drug and alcohol use. This year, we aim to raise over $1 million during Ocsober to help Life Education with Healthy Harold travel to even more schools across Australia.
Ocsober is also an important opportunity to highlight the growing danger of binge drinking and alcohol abuse, particularly among young Australians. Participants can also enjoy other potential benefits from a month off alcohol… you’ll feel healthier and fitter, lose weight and enjoy your weekend mornings again!
You can help make a difference, one child at a time:
- When you raise $28 you’re helping us to reach a child in a remote community
- When you raise $63, you’re helping us to teach five vulnerable children about the dangers of alcohol misuse
- Raise $135 and you can subsidise 10 children from a disadvantaged school so they can access the Life Education program for the first time
- Raise $219 and you’re enabling us to deliver an important alcohol and drug education message to a whole classroom of secondary school students
- Raise $1,070 and you’re helping to teach 100 primary school children how to stay safe on the Internet from bullies and online predators
- If you raise $2,283, you’re providing health, alcohol and drug education to an entire small school in regional Australia
Visit to find out more information about getting involved or donating to an existing team!